Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Isfahan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

2 MA of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Isfahan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran


This study aimed to investigate the role of psychological capital in relation to organizational citizenship behaviors.
Research statistical population was the employees of three independent organizations (a public sector organization, a service organization and female teachers) in Ahvaz and Isfahan. From this population, 279, 267 and 351 employees were selected by convenience sampling method, respectively. Research instruments in three studies were psychological capital and organizational citizenship behaviors questionnaires. Data were analyzed by regression analysis (enter method).
Results of the first study revealed that, only hope, self-efficacy and resiliency predicted organizational citizenship behaviors toward individuals and hope, resiliency and optimism predicted organizational citizenship behaviors toward organization. Results of second study indicated that, self-efficacy is marginal predictor of helping, and self-efficacy, hope and optimism are able to predict civic virtue. The results of third study showed that from the four components of psychological capital, only self-efficacy able to predict organizational citizenship behaviors toward organization.
In sum, the results of this study showed that in any given organizational structure, some of psychological capital components can be related to the organizational citizenship behaviors.


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