Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 MA student of Knowledge and Information Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


Job attitudes is a concept that reflects the positive and negative perceptions of the individuals about work and the various aspects of their work environment. An appropriate and positive attitude is concerned for achieving individual and organizational success. Research regarding the attitudes of employees in the organization will make managers be aware of employees’ views and expectations about their jobs, responsibilities, and organization climate, and to determine whether the policies and practices implemented by them are equitable for all employees. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of job attitudes (Job engagement, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction) with job performance of Kermanshah public librarians.
Research design was a descriptive correlational study. The population of this study was all Kermanshah public librarians. 83 librarians were randomly selected. Instrument included Allen & Meyer’ (1990) Organizational Commitment, Schaufeli & Bakker’ (2006) Job Engagement, Weis et al’ (1967) Job Satisfaction, and Hersey & Goldsmith’ (1980) Job Performance Questionnaires. The content validity and internal consistency reliability of the questionnaires were confirmed. The data were analyzed by pearson orrelation oefficient and multivariate regression analysis.
The results showed that there was a positive significant relationship between job engagement, job satisfaction and organizational commitment with librarians' job performance. Also, the results of Multivariate Regression Analysis showed that job engagement (β=0.52, p < 0.001), job satisfaction (β=0.44, p < 0.001), and organizational commitment (β=0.45, p < 0.001) predicted job performance, significantly.
The results showed that organizational commitment, job engagement and job satisfaction are important factors that can predict job performance of librarians. Librarians with high organizational commitment, job engagement, and job satisfaction do more efforts because they are motivated to and satisfied with their organization and their jobs. As the findings showed, the highest the correlation between job engagement (an attitude that makes individuals psychologically identify themselves with their job) and job performance, the level of librarians' performance would be high. Therefore, in the long-term planning for public libraries, librarians' job attitudes should be taken into consideration. This requires managers to provide appropriate context for improving and increasing employees’ job engagement, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Managers should pay attention to employees' attitudes, because employees' attitudes affect the behavior of individuals in the organization.


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