Document Type : Research Article


1 1. MA of Business Management-Human Resources and Organizational Behavior, Department of Management, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Management, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran


With the development of organizations, moving towards decentralized and horizontal structures and increasing the number of subordinates, direct monitoring and control over the performance of employees by managers became difficult and largely impossible. Self-leadership has significant effects on organizations; Among the effects of self-leadership can be job satisfaction, self-efficacy, creativity, and innovation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of self-leadership strategy on career success with the mediating role of protein career.
The present study, in terms of purpose, is applied research, in terms of type is a descriptive one. The statistical population of the study includes all employees of the branches of the Lorestan Tax Affairs Organization. Using random sampling, 72 people were selected according to the Morgan table, and data were collected by using standard questionnaires of Self-Leadership (Hoffman & Neck, 2002), Career Success (Lertwannawit et al., 2009), and Protein Career Path (Abbasi Rostami, 2015). The collected data were analyzed using the partial least squares (PLS) method and Smart-PLS software.
The results showed that the direct paths of self-leadership strategy to career success, self-leadership strategy to protein career and protein career to career success are positive and significant (p<0.01). Also, the mediating role of the protein career in the relationship between self-leadership strategy and career success was confirmed (p<0.01).
The results showed that a self-leadership strategy is effective in the success of employees' careers. Therefore, it is recommended that self-leadership strategies be strengthened. It is also suggested that for improving the productivity of organization, career of the employees should be continuously evaluated and required skills for the desired job should be ensured, which will lead to employee job satisfaction as well commitment to the organization. Finally, to promote the self-leadership strategy and also to improve the skills level of the employees, related training workshops should be designed.


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