Document Type : Research Article
Academic Center of Psychology, Culture and Research Institute Staff in Khuzestan Branch, Ahvaz, Iran
One of the factors that must be considered by management to empower employees is the type of leadership style. Leadership is necessary and essential for effective social and organizational performance. Transformational leadership style is one of the most popular and studied leadership styles. Transformational leaders change the thoughts and attitudes of their followers and motivate them for higher levels of effort and performance. These leaders have the ability to orientate around a shared vision and encourage followers to work harder to implement and complete it. Therefore, the research was conducted with the aim of investigating the relationship of transformational leadership with job well-being, subjective occupational success, and adaptive performance in employees of Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company.
The sample of the current research was 174 people (124 men, 50 women) from the employees of Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company. The instruments used in this research included General Transformational Leadership, Job Well-Being, Subjective OccupationalSuccess, and Adaptive Performance questionnaires. In order to evaluate the proposed model, structural equation modeling method was used with AMOS version 21 software.
The results showed that the final model has an acceptable fit with the data. Also, the results showed that the direct paths of transformational leadership to job well-being (β=0.21, p<0.001), transformational leadership to subjective occupational success (β=0.67, p<0.001), and transformational leadership to adaptive performance (β=0.55, p<0.001) are significant.
According to the results of this research, it is suggested that transformational leadership style training for managers should be considered in the educational programs of organizations.