Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Student of Public Administration-Organizational Behavior, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Tonkabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonkabon, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Public Management, Chalus Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalus, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran


The type of view and attitude towards human resources and how to pay attention and
manage them is different in every age. However, the type of behavior and actions of
managers and organizational leaders with their subordinates depends to a large extent on
their attitude towards the capabilities and capabilities of their subordinates. Positive psychological capital has been proposed as a combination factor and a source of competitive advantage of organizations. The aim of the current research is to provide a psychological capital model based on the development of entrepreneurship in education-oriented organizations.
In this regard, thematic analysis method of Brown and Clark (2006) was used to collect qualitative data to identify dimensions, components and indicators of psychological capital. The statistical population of the present study were academic experts in education-oriented organizations of Mazandaran province. The statistical sample selection method was purposive sampling method, and the data was collected by semi-structured interview method and MAXQDA software was used.
The findings of the research were 7 dimensions included self-efficacy, resilience, optimism, hope, spirituality, challenges and obstacles, and strategies. The results showed that the planning and content of training courses in the organization should be adjusted in such a way that it includes psychological capital and entrepreneurship training of employees. Due to the fact that the promotion of psychological capital in the organization is one of the indicators of social system capability. This ability should be taken into account scientifically through the evaluation of employees' lives.
The planning and content of the organization's training courses should be adjusted in such a way that it includes the psychological capital and entrepreneurship training of the employees so that the work efficiency of the employees and the organization increases. Policymakers and planners of education-oriented organizations should improve the quality of life of employees based on the available tools and facilities. Organizations should reduce the level of stress and negative emotional tendencies and correct misconceptions.

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