Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Management, Faculty of Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 MA of Public Management, Department of Public Management, Faculty of Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


In today's challenging work environment, development is very important for employees, and they must learn to both improve themselves and maintain their physical and mental health and well-being; so, the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between family support and psychological well-being through the mediating role of work-family experiences and thriving at work and moderating role of work-family boundary management in Yazd University of Medical Sciences.
The method of this study is practical in term of purpose and descriptive survey in term of data collection. The statistical population of the present study was the headquarters employees of Yazd University of Medical Sciences (250 people), using Cochran's formula, 156 people were selected through simple random sampling method. The instrument for collecting field data in this research was standard questionnaires; including the psychological well-being questionnaire from the study of Ryff & Singer (2003); the thriving at work questionnaire from the study of Imran et al. (2020); the work-family conflict questionnaire from the study of Grzywacz & Marks (2000); work-family enrichment questionnaire and family support questionnaire from the study of Neneh (2017); and the work-family boundary management questionnaire from the study of Kreiner (2006); that, the validity of the questionnaires was confirmed using the opinions of a number of experts in this field, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability were used to determine the reliability of the measurement instrument. The analysis method used in this research was the structural equation modeling technique.
The results of the research showed that Family support has a positive and significant effect on work-family enrichment (β = 0.410, t= 6.330); also, work-family conflict has a negative and significant effect on thriving at work (β = -0.164, t= 2.026); also, work-family enrichment has a positive and significant effect on thriving at work (β = 0.522, t= 8.349); and work-family enrichment has a mediating role in the relationship of family support and thriving at work (β = 0.214, t= 4.284); and , thriving at work has mediating role in the relationships of work-family conflict and work-family enrichment with psychological well-being (β = -0.083, t= 1.969) and (β = 0.264, t= 4.942); and finally, work-family boundary management does not have a moderating role in the relationships of family support with work-family conflict and work-family enrichment (β = 0.080, t= 1.267) and (β = -0.002, t= 0.028).
According to the results of this research, it is suggested to managers, when developing plans to create a work environment of thriving, a more balanced approach that pays attention to both positive experiences in the family and positive experiences in the work environment; according to the socially embedded model of thriving, employees achieve thriving at work, who pay attention to the social interactions that take place between the family and the work environment, and the employees overcome their anxiety and depression through the vitality gained and improving their psychological well-being is helped.


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