Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Student of Business Management, Department of Business Management, Khorramshahr International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramshahr, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Khorramshahr International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramshahr, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Mathematic, Izeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Izeh, Iran


Small businesses form an integral part of dynamic economies, with the difference that most economic theories have traditionally focused on firm, industry, and market dynamics, and have paid less attention to the economic importance of small businesses. In the existing literature about digital marketing, there is no comprehensive theoretical framework that is agreed upon by everyone. The aim of the current research is to provide a digital marketing model in modern businesses based on the needs of the retail market and guilds of Isfahan city in order to improve business results.
The method of this research was qualitative. The statistical population of the qualitative
section was the experts and business managers and marketing professors of Isfahan province, among them a sample of 14 people was selected with a purposeful snowball sampling method and an in-depth and semi-structured interview was conducted with them. These data have been analyzed by grounded theory method. To achieve this goal, the data collected from the interviews were first coded, which eventually formed the main body of the theory and the model for digitizing marketing.
Based on the qualitative analysis and data method of the foundation, 145 concepts have been identified in the form of 6 main themes, including: 1) Factors affecting the digitization of marketing or causal conditions (including 3 organizer themes, 6 basic themes and 16 concepts), 2) The structure of digitalization of marketing or central phenomenon (including 1 organizing theme, 5 basic themes and 15 concepts), 3) areas affecting the digitization of marketing or contextual conditions (including 3 organizing themes) 7 basic themes and 22 concepts), 4) intervention factors affecting the digitization of marketing or intervening conditions (including 3 organizing themes, 8 basic themes and 25 concepts), 5) marketing digitization strategies or Strategies and strategies (including 5 organizing themes, 14 basic themes and 39 concepts) and 6) Consequences of marketing digitization or consequences (including 4 organizing themes, 10 basic themes and 28 concepts) are categorized. These concepts in relation to each other have created the conceptual model of research.
Considering the many advantages of digital marketing, managers should emphasize digital marketing research in order to understand the needs and demands of customers and to understand the strengths and weaknesses of competitors. So for pioneering development, organizations should plan to improve digital marketing strategies because increasing customer loyalty affects customer preferences and decisions.


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