Document Type : Research Article


1 MA of Public Administration, Department of Management, Tolouemehr Higher Education Institution, Qom, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Management of Organizational Behavior, Faculty of Farabi, University of Tehran, QoM, Iran

3 PhD of Public Administration, Management Department, Tolouemehr Higher Education Institution, Qom, Iran


Nervous activities are influenced by people's relationships and if there are good relationships between individuals, favorable relationships will also be formed between nerves. In order to improve the performance of organizations, the aim of the current research was to identify the components of leadership based on neuroscience.
This research is based on the practical purpose and in terms of the type of mixed method. In the first part, the statistical population is all the texts related to neuroscience-based leadership, and in the second part, the statistical population is the experts in the field of neuroscience-based leadership studies, 15 experts were selected by purposive sampling and according to the nature Their opinions were used to confirm the components. Then, the sample T-Tech test was used to determine the components of leadership.
According to experts, 15 components of creating new challenges and encouraging them, empathy, creating space for positive experiences, ethical behavior in decision-making, giving hope, freedom of action, mutual trust, constructive and intimate communication, transparency, support, enthusiasm and enthusiasm, providing performance feedback, designing reward system, appreciation and justice were identified.
A leader based on neuroscience by stimulating the behavioral components leads to the positive release of hormones in the brains of employees and in this condition we witness the emergence of behaviors such as creativity, participation, commitment and organizational belonging and promotion of organizational identity, etc. and as a result the influence of the leader It increases in the heart and behavior of employees.


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