Ethics of Article Publishing
Publishing Charter and Ethical Standards Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Studies




The ethics of this journal is taken from the Charter of Research Ethics, which was formulated by the Research Ethics Committee at the Center for Research, Planning and Policy Research of Science, Research and Technology in 2011. This Charter outlines some of the ethical boundaries and responsibilities of conducting industrial and organizational psychology studies to prevent the authors of research deliberately or unknowingly.

Academic research plays a vital role in the fate of human societies by producing and critiquing science and technology and presenting social change strategies. Therefore, researchers are expected to present credible scientific findings in order to be effective in improving the fate of the community as well as in order for the scientific community to provide the basis for knowledge development. In this regard, observing ethical principles and behaviors in conducting and disseminating research is one of the main factors in trusting its findings. Ignoring ethical standards in research, consciously or unconsciously, undermines the scientific validity of research findings and makes the process of producing science difficult.




Duties and Obligations of Authors:


-          Submitted articles should be in the specialized field of the journal and be scientifically and coherently prepared in accordance with the journal standard.


-          Submitted articles should be the original researcher (s) presenting the article and any use of other research by citing the source. The research must be carefully and objectively reported and the data reported correctly.


-          The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the content of the articles, and the authors are required to ensure the accuracy of the content of the articles. Publishing an article does not imply endorsement by the journal.


-          The author (s) are not allowed to resubmit an article. In other words, the article or part of it should not be published in any other journal inside or outside the country or in the course of review and publication.


-          Author (s) are not allowed to overlap. The overlap is meant to publish the data and findings of previous articles with little change to an article as new.


-          The author (s) are obliged to use the materials of others, if necessary, with accurate citation and, if necessary, after obtaining explicit written permission from the required resources. When used in the same way as other scholarly writings, methods and direct quotation marks, such as inserting it into the guillemot (" "), should be used.


-          The corresponding author of the article should ensure that all authors are named and informed, and that there is no name other than the researchers involved in the research and preparation of the paper. In other words, you should avoid adding the "honorable author" and removing the "real author".


-          The corresponding author of the article is obliged to ensure that all authors of the article have read and agreed to submit it and their position in the article.


-          Submitting an article means that the authors have obtained the consent of all financial or location sponsors of the article and have introduced all financial or location sponsors of the article.


-          The author (s) shall be obliged to keep the journal updated, corrected, or retracted at any time upon notice of any error or inaccuracy in the article.


-          Any dangers posed by research to humans or the environment should be clearly stated in the article.




Unethical Publishing and Research Behavior:

If at any stage of submitting, reviewing, editing, or publishing an article in Biannual Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Studies, or afterwards, one of the following is ascertained, the ethical conduct of the research and publisher shall be considered it has legal treatment.




Counterfeiting Data:

These include reporting unrealistic material and presenting dummy data or results as laboratory results, experimental studies, or personal notes. Unrealistic recordings of what has not happened or the relocation of results of various studies are examples of this violation.


Distorting data:

It is the recording and presentation of research results in a way that manipulates the details of the research or data collection process, or deletes or modifies data, or magnifies some small results to hide larger facts to pursue research goals or the results presented are not in doubt.



It involves closely adapting other writers' thoughts and expressions, copying ideas, structuring similarities in writing or assigning ideas and results to others without proper reference, or introducing them as genuine scientific research.


Academic Rent:

It is intended that the author (s) hire another person to do the research and, after the research is completed, publish it in his own name with little change.


Unrealistic Assignment:

An unrealistic assignment of the author (s) to an institution, center, or educational or research group that did not play a role in the original research.

Resubmit an article, publish an overlay, add an "honorable author" or delete a "real author".


See immoral:

The Biannual Industrial and Organizational Psychology Studies reserves the right to suspend arbitration proceedings before printing or removing an article after observing unethical cases. These issues will be reported to the editorial board after review and the necessary action will be taken.