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Industrial and Organizational Psychology Studies

(Ind Organ Psychol Stud)


The Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Studies has been registered and issued by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance under Press Law 92.21261. This journal is a biannual open access journal published in print and electronic type by Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. The journal welcomes high-quality scientific-research articles from authors around the world. All articles are covered by closed review. Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Studies of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz utilizes plagiarism detection software (Samim Noor) in its review process to determine the authenticity of submitted articles. All respected researchers are encouraged to submit their articles to the journal's office only through the electronic journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Studies system. Obviously, articles that will be sent to the journal in any way other than that mentioned above will not be arranged.


Publisher: Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran

Editor-in- Chief: Nasrin Arshadi

Director-in-Charge: Sayyed Esmail Hashemi

Managing Editor: Kioumars Beshlideh

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DOI: 10.22055/jiops

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Copyright © 2014-2019 Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz.


Research Article
Designing the Conceptual Model of Professional Learning Community of Secondary School Teachers

Masoomeh Hormozinejad; Mojtaba Jahanifar; Maria Nasiri

Volume 11, Issue 1 , April 2024, Pages 1-16


  IntroductionProfessional learning communities provide a framework and process for continuous learning and professional growth of teachers. It is because, based on the general policies of creating transformation in the education system, the development of teachers' participation depends on the process ...  Read More

Research Article
Moderating Role of Schema and Behavioral Training in the Relationship between Assessment Center Results with Performance Appraisal of Self, Colleagues and Supervisors

Fatemeh Zamanpour Boroujeni; Hamid Reza Oreyzi Samani; Enayatollah Zamanpour

Volume 11, Issue 1 , April 2024, Pages 17-32


  IntroductionThe role of assessors and their training in order to increase accuracy and reduce errors in the results of the assessment center is undeniable. Two types of schema and frame of reference (FoR) training are commonly used in rater training. Also, there have always been differences between the ...  Read More

Research Article
The Effectiveness of Management Games Training on Work Motivation and Innovative Behavior of Managers

Azin Taghipour; Sona Rahbar; Mohsen Khalili

Volume 11, Issue 1 , April 2024, Pages 51-62

  IntroductionWork motivation and innovative behavior play a vital role in the development of organizations, as they increase employee productivity and effectiveness. It also means the possibility of developing entrepreneurship, preparing them to be active for possible changes, their participation in the ...  Read More

Research Article
Causel Relationship of Perceived Social and Organizational Support with Organizational Happiness: Mediating Role of Quality of Work-Life

Ali Abdi; Nematollah Azizi; Zinab Mirzaei

Volume 11, Issue 1 , April 2024, Pages 63-80


  IntroductionThe purpose of this study was to determine the fit of the conceptual model of organizational happiness based on perceived organizational and social support with the mediating role of teachers' quality of work life with the data. MethodThe method of the present research design is correlational ...  Read More

Research Article
The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment in the Relationship between Social Capital and Work-Family Conflicts

Mehdi Dehestani; Seyedeh Atefeh Mahdavi

Volume 11, Issue 1 , April 2024, Pages 81-94


  Introduction Work-family conflict is a fundamental issue that affects employees and is one of the most common complaints of any organization. Social capital and organizational commitment can be mentioned among the factors related to work-family conflict. Thus, the aim of this research was to investigate ...  Read More

Research Article
The Effect of Servant Leadership on Innovative Work Behaviors Considering the Mediating Role of Work Meaningfulness in Knowledge-Based Companies

Fatemeh Ghasemzadeh; Hamed Farhang Fallah; Davoud Abasi

Volume 11, Issue 1 , April 2024, Pages 95-108


  IntroductionThis study investigates the role of work meaningfulness as a mediator in the relationship between servant leadership and innovative work behaviors, addressing a gap in research on how leadership styles enhance the personal significance employees derive from their work. MethodThe research ...  Read More

Research Article
Providing Smart Talent Management Model In Government Organizations Using the Theme Analysis Method

Yasaman Gholami; Abolhasan Faghihi; Karamollah Daneshfard

Volume 11, Issue 1 , April 2024, Pages 109-134


  Introduction Smart talent management means effective or intelligent management of human resources, which includes the knowledge capital of an organization and the ability to produce, maintain, store, transfer and use knowledge in support of the organization to achieve its goals and objectives. The problem ...  Read More

Research Article
The Relationship of Narcissism and Emotional Self-Regulation with Job Well-Being and Workaholic, Considering the Mediating Role of Mental Health

Behnaz Nafardastgerdi; Hadi Farhadi

Volume 11, Issue 1 , April 2024, Pages 135-152


  Introduction Among the issues that every organization should pay special attention to is knowing employees' psychological and occupational problems. Therefore, nowadays attention to the variable of occupational well-being among employees is increasing. Also, due to the working conditions of employees ...  Read More

Research Article
Factors Related to Organizational Justice: A Meta-Analysis Study

Golnaz Mehdi Asri; Hossein Safarzadeh; Mohammad Reza Rabiee Mandejin

Volume 11, Issue 1 , April 2024, Pages 153-170


  Introductionorganizational justice refers to the employees' feeling and perception of the level of fairness and equality in the behaviors and working relationships in an organization. In the last decade of the 20th century, organizational justice as an important concept in human resource management was ...  Read More

Research Article
Identification of Stress-Reducing ‎Factors in order to Improve ‎Production ‎Productivity in Petrochemical Industry of ‎Bandar ‎Mahshahr

Roholah Hosseini; Reza Ghilmpour

Volume 11, Issue 1 , April 2024, Pages 171-184


  Introduction Occupational stress is a condition that causes physical and mental pressure and fatigue and overall human ‎discomfort during work. Depression, anxiety and stress are among the most effective factors in the quality of ‎life and many social and ‎functional problems of workers. ...  Read More

Research Article
-The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support of Mental Health and Emotional Commitment on Turnover Intention: Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Hossein Azimi; Hamid Reza Jafari; Alireza Zamanian

Volume 11, Issue 1 , April 2024, Pages 185-202


  Introduction In today's competitive world, employees turnover is one of the major problems of organizations, result in many investments being easily lost. The present research was conducted to determine the effect of perceived organizational support of mental health and emotional commitment on turnover ...  Read More

The Relationship of Job Security with Organizational Commitment and Counterproductive Behaviors

Kimiya Toosi; Masoud Bakhtiary; Farid Salehi

Volume 7, Issue 1 , June 2020, , Pages 47-60


  Introduction Job security is a set of feelings and perceptions of having a suitable job and ensuring its continuity in the future, making the organization less vulnerable to human stress. Job security increases one's productivity, commitment to the organization, physical and mental health, morale, life ...  Read More

The Relationship of Ethical Leadership, Happiness at Work and Sense of Energy with Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

Ahmad Sadeghi; Mohammad Reza Daee jafari; Marzieh Rashidi; M. Ali Ghasemi

Volume 1, Issue 2 , July 2015, , Pages 39-54


  The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of ethical leadership, work happiness and a sense of energy with organizational citizenship behavior. The participants consisted of 254 nurses of Isfahan hospitals that were selected by random cluster sampling method. Instruments included work ...  Read More

Investigating the Path Analysis Model of Components of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

Hajar Barati; Hamid Reza Oreyzi

Volume 1, Issue 2 , July 2015, , Pages 1-20


  Job satisfaction is the positive emotional state that workers have toward their jobs, and organizational commitment results from their positive emotions toward their organizations. At present research the relations of these two variables and also the path analysis model of components of these variables ...  Read More

An Investigation of Relationship between Happiness at Work and Job Performance, Mental health and Turnover Intention: Considering the Mediating Role of Job Stress and Work-Family Facilitation

Neko Adeli Nasab; Sayyed Esmail Hashemi; Abdulzahra Naami

Volume 1, Issue 1 , May 2014, , Pages 73-94

  The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between happiness at work and job performance, mental health and turnover intention considering the mediating role of job stress and work-family facilitation.Two hundred and thirty one employees of Fouladin Zob Amol (F.Z.A) Company were selected ...  Read More

Investigating Individual, Social and Organizational Factors Affecting Teachers' Job Satisfaction

R. Kh. Javadi; M. Rasouli; A.M. Nazari; J. Hasani

Volume 2, Issue 2 , March 2016, , Pages 45-60


  This study aimed to investigate the structural relationships of individual, social and organizational factors affecting teacher's job satisfaction. The design of this study was correlational. A sample of 150 teachers in Karaj city have been selected through cluster random sampling method. The instruments ...  Read More

Research Article
Analyzing the organizational culture based on Denison's model to identify challenges and provide solutions (case study: Beid Boland National Gas Refining Company)

mahdi nadaf; mahta joodzadeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 25 July 2024


  Introduction:Culture is the unwritten but tangible foundation of the organization and it consists of factors like the fundamental assumptions, values, beliefs, norms and the way of thinking of the organization’s members, and in fact, it is the same guideline that serves as a desirable attitudinal ...  Read More

Research Article
The effectiveness of A Meaning-Centered Career intervention on the subjective career success and career resiliency of employees

Marziyeh Malekiha; Mohhamad Reza Abedi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 25 July 2024


  Abstract Introduction: In today's world, guiding and advancing the career is accompanied by many difficulties.and it requires special skills This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of meaning-centered career intervention on the subjective career success and career ...  Read More

The Relationship of Job Attitudes with Job Performance in Kermanshah Public Librarians

Saleh Rahimi; Vakil Ahmadi; Zohre Azizi

Volume 6, Issue 2 , July 2019, , Pages 213-226


  Introduction Job attitudes is a concept that reflects the positive and negative perceptions of the individuals about work and the various aspects of their work environment. An appropriate and positive attitude is concerned for achieving individual and organizational success. Research regarding the attitudes ...  Read More

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